......People who talk out their asses about topics they know nothing about. My favorite one is the one where they go "bla bla bla is damaging our kids." Now I can talk about this all day about this, but for now, let me give you my theories as to why they do this in terms of video games. Notice how I say theories and not using speculations to pass off as fuckin facts!
1. The 6 o' clock new
Notice how whenever there's an outbreak of some virus, everybody rushes to the hospital the minute they have so much as a cough. This is in part because the news makes a monstrous deal out of it. Sometimes it's warranted (like the bird and swine flu epidemics), but more times than not it's not that big of a deal, and the news just makes it seem that way. Why? Because you're gonna watch. Same thing with video games. The minute some parent buys a rated M game by accident, the news will fuckin run with it because they know parents are gonna watch. Whether or not it's accurate is irrelevant. Fow News: go fuck yourselves!
2. No one knows the fuckin rating system
This is probably the biggest problem. When people come to me at work asking for a game for their kids and I tell them it's rated M for mature, the first thing they ask is "What does that mean?" or they give this completely dumbfounded look. Point is if they know about the rating system, they will stop wondering why these games are made for kids because they will know these games aren't made for kids, but then again....
3. They don't wanna know
....maybe they don't give a flying fuck. Maybe they just don't wanna learn about them. Maybe they want these violent game gone simply so they can just blindly buy whatever the kid wants. One less thing to worry about right? Listen, we're not getting rid of M games because you're too lazy to do fuckin research.
4. Polititions
I used to think that the people finally caught on to political bullshit, especially after the Bush administration, but after New Jersey voted Chris Christie as governor, I couldn't have been more wrong. People really are sheep.
5. Some people are just downright ass retarded
6. People don't kids credit.
I think people think kids are completely incapable of reasonable thought. Seriously, if you think your kid is dumb enough to copy some of the most dangerous shit in games, it says more about you than him/her. Kids know right from wrong; that's why they lie when they want a certain video game and pause it whenever their parents walk in the room.
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