Thursday, May 20, 2010

THQ Charges Too

Last week, I reported that EA is implementing one-use online codes for their sports titles, which will come with all new copies of the games, and anybody who buys the games used will have to pay an additional $10. I also mentioned how this is fuckin retarded and will only piss off gamers, resulting in less sales, and EA will continue to lose money. After that post, I thought Activision would be next in line, but not only are they not, it turns out EA won't be the first. THQ announced that UFC 2010 will come with its own codes, and anybody without a code will have to pay $5 to play online. Sigh* Whatever. Like I said, I never buy used games unless I have to, especially since asking me to pay 55 bucks for a used when it's 60 bucks new is fuckin ridiculous, and since I already ranted about EA, there's no need to go into it again. I'm done. I'm washing my hands of it.

[Update]: Apparently, Ubisoft is getting into the mix as well. They didn't say what games though.

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