Left 4 Dead owners were promised new content to be regularly released by Valve. Soon after, Valve announced the sequel will be released this fall, one year after the original. This pissed off some people and now there's a petition to stop the release of the game. So far, roughly 40,000 people signed it. Apparently, they feel that this game coming out so soon means that the developers abandoned the first game and won't fulfill on their promised to release content for it, and even if they did, it wouldn't matter because gamers would buy the second game and ignore the first, killing the first game's online community. Despite the fact that these angry gamers make some good points, I am completely against them on this one.
The first point I like to make is that IT'S JUST A STUPID FUCKIN GAME! I'm assuming these people (although I'm probably wrong) have more important things to worry about in life. I love games. I love logging on to this blog to talk about games, but neither are a top priority in my life. If I'm struggling with work and school and have no time for the Xbox, I'm not gonna sacrifice either to make time. Basically, I'm saying I have a life outside gaming, but it sounds like these crybabies don't. I bet most of the people who signed it just did for the hell of it. They'll probably buy L4D2 the first day. It's like how people complain about how Madden never changes each year, yet it's still in their living rooms. By the way, an online petition? Really? You think EA Games gives a chocolate coated glitter sprinkling flying fuck about an online petition?
If you're mad that you think Valve lied to you, then you obviously never dealt with a salesperson before. Besides, why would you believe what some guy you don't know says to you anyway? Quite frankly, Valve doesn't owe these people anything. They don't have to make downloadable stuff. I know that's usually their thing to keep expanding on old games, but how quickly did these people forget that the game is published by EA, and EA is the video game conpany equivelant to Darth Vader (or maybe Dick Cheney). Besides, it's not a good idea to buy a game because you think downloadable content is coming. Both Mortal Kombat and Mass Effect didn't coming through with their promises, but you don't hear fans bitching about it. Hell, I've been waiting 3 years for Mass Effect to come out with more than just one download. This is why you pay for what you're getting right away, not for what may come down the line. If you bought L4D because you weren't satisfied with the four short campaigns, but heard there will be more, you're a sucker. That like buying a car in Arizona with the promise of an air conditioner to be installed on a later date.
The final point I have to make is that none of these people have played the game, so they have no idea what's in it to make these claims. All they saw were videos of it at E3, and does that really tell us anything? Gamers, remember when we saw videos for Sonic Unleashed? It seemed like Sonic was once again the shit, but it turns out to be shit. Remember Superman Returns? That game seemed like they finally got Superman right, and it did, but ultimately suffered from being rushed, and therefore the missions sucked, but that a review for another time (wink*). My point is videos don't do shit but stir up hype. It's not until you get your hands on a controller do you know what a game is really about. Granted, the game will probably be more of the same, but still......
This petition isn't gonna do shit. This isn't really a controversy if you ask me. This is a bunch of people whining because they want extra stuff. Instead of trying to stop the release of the sequel, why not just playing altogether? They won't do that. They love their precious game too much. It baffles me how they can feel like they've been cockslapped across the lips, but still support the game by playing it. I don't know, man. Maybe I'm missing something here. Maybe I'm just completely wrong about my whole assessment of the situation. Well, all I know is this: I didn't buy Left 4 Dead, and I don't feel cheated at all. HA!
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