There are some reviews that apparently needs to be clarified because some don't understand why I feel a certain way or gave a game a certain score, so I decided to explain a little more about some of the games I reviewed, starting the most talked about (amazingly) DBZ double review.
DBZ Burst Limit and Ragin Blast:
Lets me explain why I prefer Burst Limit over Raging Blast based on fighting engines alone. First off, Burst Limit is a lot easier to learn, and allows for easy pick up and play fun. Raging Blast, on the other hand, has a mean ass learning curve, and will kick your ass for the next 3 days. Some people may think a steep learning curve isn't an issue (just get better bitch), and I personally don't mind it, but the whole point to fighting games is to play with people, and trying to teach your friends Raging Blast is a bitch an a half, maybe even 2 bitches. In Burst Limit, I just have to tell them what button does what. They still wouldn't beat me, but they can put up a fight unlike Raging Blast. Second, and more importantly, Raging Blast didn't make enough changes to continue to make it fun. They add 2 new additions I think, but you barely notice them, nor will you use them. Burst Limit changed the way Ki works, added Aura Spark, added more complicated combos (although you might not use them), and added (whether you like it or not) drama pieces. Make no mistake; it's still fuckin Budokai, but enough changes were made to make it last...until the next game.
Raging Blast does have more game modes than Burst Limit, and KO mode is a clever and kick-ass idea, but for the most part, the modes not featured in Burst Limit seem kind of bland. I am disappointed though that Burst Limit does not have a tourny mode (what the hell Atari!?). Mission mode though could not have been implemented any worst. First you have to beat the story fight (cut-scenes and all) in order to unlock the missions. Why? Why not just have them to fucking begin with!? You mean I have to sit though these cut-scenes again!? Sigh* well, in order to know what your missions are, you have to read them before starting the fight...BECAUSE YOU WILL NEVER SEE THEM AGAIN!! Who's fucking idea was that!? I can't press pause to remind what the missions are because the fuckin menu doesn't have that option. Before entering a fight, you better fuckin remember or you're screwed. The game doesn't even keep track of what you did, so you won't know until the end of the match, and you'll be pissed off at what you thought you complete was actually not finished and you'll have to fuckin start all over again...CUT-SCENES AND ALL!!! And when you know you fucked up, the game doesn't even give up an option to retry! You either have to quit to the main menu and pick the fight again, going through load screens in the process, or finish the fight all the way to the end...CUT-SCENES AND ALL!!!...till you reach the endgame menu where they ask you to retry! All this for fuckin SSJ3 Vegeta!? This is fucking HORRENDOUS!!! FUCK MISSION MODE AND FUCK RAGING BLAST!!!!
There is one other thing I forgot to mention that I don't like about this awesome game.....random ass quick time events. Oh my god, they could not have fucked them up more. We're talking Resident Evil 5 bad where they randomly show up on cut-scenes. This QTE shit is already bad, but now it's getting horrendous. Other than that, Bayonetta kicks ass.
Uncharted 2:
Somebody wanted to know if I have any complaints about the multiplayer since I nitpicked the hell out of single-player. Well, yes, I have one complaint. The matchmaking sucks. Just like in Call of Duty, the game just throws random people in matches with no regard to skill level, but unlike Call of Duty, noobs can't put up any kind of fight really. They say if you play through story mode entirely, you're set, but that's not true. Unlike you know the map layout, you WILL be bitchslapped around no matter how many times you did the train scene.
Assassin's Creed 2:
Does anybody know WHAT THE FUCK the truth means?
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