Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Alpha Protocol

Remind me again to never do E3 coverage by myself again. I mean, I just did the bare minimum and I felt so tired afterward. Trying to sum up 4 days of coverage so that it stays a little bit interesting is not easy. Still, it was pretty awesome, and first the first time in a long time, I'm actually excited about the games to come, especially for the Wii of all systems. Now that I'm done with E3, I can finally get to playing games again. Sadly, the first game I played was Alpha Protocol, a game so broken I tried to return it to no avail. The game is filled with so many ideas, it could very be considered Mass Effect Jr., but it barely does anything right.

Let's get the combat out of the way: IT SUCKS! This action rpg doesn't really know how to pull off the action bits, and at this day and age how do you fuck it up? The AI is backwoods retarded and is incapable of pulling off the most simple tasks like lets say....shoot at you. During every firefight I've been in, someone suffering from a case of the dummies decides it's a good idea to run full speed at me right into the sights of my gun. Well gee thanks. For a minute there I thought I would have to TRY to you kill you. Speaking of guns, this and any other rpg that features guns that I've played (with the exception of Mass Effect 2 and Fallout 3) can't seem to do it right. I can understand leveling up your gun skills, but why does it affect the guns in general? You skills should not effect the damage points dealt. When I started using the assault rifle, it would take roughly 10 bullets to take down someone without body armor. That doesn't make any sense. Later in the game, after leveling up my rifle skills, I could take down heavily armored guys with 3 bullets. What the fuck!? Mind you, these are the bullets that hit. I'm not counting the ones that missed their target because my aim was shit. Also, I used the same rifle the whole game without using a single add-on. In Fallout 3, your level only affected your accuracy. A bullet to the forehead did the exact same damage no matter what level you were. Not so in this case. Also, what the fuck is up with headshots!? Headshots should fuckin kill, not do critical damage!! That fucker shouldn't be living anymore, let alone shooting at me! For example, I snuck into a base in order to plant a bug. When I needed to get by a patrol, I couldn't get in close to do a knife kill, so I decided to shoot the guy with my silenced pistol. After missing 7 fuckin shots, I managed to hit the guy in the back of the head. Did he die? No! He turned around, shot at me, and raised the alarm!! That's bullshit!!! Solid Snake is spinning in his grave right now. The pistol is fuckin useless in this game. It's never fuckin accurate, and you'd be an idiot to wanna level it up until it is, which leads to another problem. I can understand not being able to hit a guy's eyeball from a football field away, but if the guy you're playing as is supposed to be an elite operative, it shouldn't take a whole fuckin clip before I manage to graze his fuckin shoulder! The biggest fuckin tragedy - the one thing that send me over the edge - is how they treated the shotgun. Take all of the above problems and add the fact that it's a close range weapon, and you will have the biggest piece of bullshit in weapon history. Why, oh why, do I need to level up the shotgun!?  IT'S A CLOSE RANGE WEAPON; ANYBODY CAN USE IT!!! It should be a fuckin gimmie! And that's not the worst part. When you are close to someone, IT TAKES 5 FUCKIN SHOTS TO DROP THEM! IT'S A SHOTGUN!!! IT'S DESIGN TO ONLY NEED ONE SHOT!!! HOW DO YOU FUCK THAT UP!! I can't take it anymore!

You also have the option of stealth in this game, and I noticed a lot of people seem to take that route. I guess it make sense because it makes you seem more like a super agent. I, on the other hand, went with the run 'n' gun tactic because I figured using stealth would work to my disadvantage, and I was right. There are some missions where stealth isn't an option, and you can't use stealth during boss fights. So if you sunk all your stat points on stealth, you're pretty much SOL when those moments come up. With that said, taking the stealth route makes the game a hellava lot easier because of the retard AI I mentioned earlier. Raise your stats up enough and you're pretty much invisible, granting you to ability to kill someone who is fuckin standing right next to his partner. There are also lockpicking and hacking minigames which are okay at first, but gets annoying as the game goes on.

You know, The more I think about Alpha Protocol, the more I noticed the similarities between it and Mass Effect 1, problems and all. So what makes this a steaming pile of shit while Mass Effect is a marvelous game that should be played. Well, they don't fuck up the action so badly, but most importantly, Mass Effect has a rich and engaging universe. The main story was excellent, everyone had an interesting backstory which fleshed out their character, every place you visited had it's own story, and every conversation you had only added more to an already deep universe. The game made you care about everything you did and every decision you made. Alpha Protocol fails to do that. Everyone is dull, nobody feels important, and the overall plot, which is not bad, only feels like an excuse to go shoot somebody. Even your character, Michael Thornton, feels incredibly bland and uninteresting. You could pin that on me because of the choices I've made, but that doesn't excuse the rest of the cast. Some relationships aren't even built right. In one mission, I had to choose between saving a woman and stopping a bomb from going off. Well gee, seeing as how I met the woman only 2 hours ago and haven't established any real connection with her, it's not really that hard of a decision is it? Now point me to the bomb before I shoot you with my completely inaccurate gun. Speaking of choices, that seems to be the only thing this game does right. This is the first game that delivers on the promise that everything you do does have a consequence. Sometimes this means pissing off someone you could have potentially helped you or causing a base to add more security. Not every decision is that dramatic, but you won't know that at the time, forcing you to really think about what you wanna do. When in a conversation with somebody, you only have about a second to answer, and when you need important information (or when there's a gun to your face) you have to come up with the right answers. Conversations are also used to build relationships with people that can help (or hurt) you later on. Once those words fly out your mouth though, that's it. No do-overs. You're stuck with whatever decision you made....unless of course you go to the dashboard on your 360 or PS3. PC owners, you're SOL. They did screw up on one aspect. When talking to someone, the conversation wheel (the display that lets you choose your options) doesn't clearly let you know what you're gonna say. The options usually tell you HOW you are going to say it, not what you're going to say. You'll get options like professional, suave, aggressive, and shit like that, but with only a second to respond, sometimes you'll pick an option only to find out it means the opposite of what you meant. Damn, time to go back to the dashboard.

I'm in the closing paragraph and it just occurred to me that I didn't even explain the story. Well, you're a new member of Alpha Protocol, a group not listed by the government. You get sent out on a mission where the people in charge betray you and secretly works for a weapons company  who wants to start World War 3. Now rogue you have to compile all the evidence against them and bla bla bla. Take Splinter Cell Conviction, take out the dead daughter bit and replace it with Stark Industries before he went Iron Man and there's your story. And that's Alpha Protocol in a nutshell. It's a clusterfuck of ideas that might have actually work if the developers knew what the fuck they were doing.

Rating: Ass

NOTE: Why am I getting my ass kicked by some goth punk mute chick? Fuck this; I'm playing Blur.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

E3 2010

Today's the last day of E3, and I gotta say it's a lot better than last year. We got a lot of stuff we didn't know before, stuff we already new, and stuff that probably shouldn't have been announced (cough cough Sonic Riders cough*). Now I can be here all day telling you everything, but because I can't (because I don't fuckin want to), let's just do a quick run of everything that at least I found interesting.

Project Natal is now Kinect:
Yes, Microsoft's anti-Wii machine now has an official name, and from what I saw...I'm not impressed. It's a cool device, but I'm confident that there will be no killer app for it, at least not immediately. Also, the price will be $150. Why the fuck would I spend 150 on a ADD-ON when I can buy the Wii for 50 bucks more? And who's gonna buy an Xbox, THEN a Kinect? I don't know. Let's look at some of the games:

A controller free giga-pet apparently. Remember giga-pets? This ought to keep little girls busy for maybe 5 minutes.

Kinect Sports:
Wii Sports

Kinect Joy Ride:
Mario Kart Wii

Kinect Adventures:
Wii Sports Resort

Motion Sports:
Okay, really?

Dance Central:
Ever heard of Just Dance? If you have, combine that with Rock Band and you have Dance Central. It's not bad; just wish they demoed better dance moves.

Your Shape:
An interesting workout game to say the least. I'd try it.

Sonic Free Riders:

Child of Eden:
Okay, this is the only game I actually want to play for Kinect. It reminds me of Rez HD, and the music reacts to the targets you hit. Looks and sounds good.

Kinect will also be used to control everything other aspects of the 360 like going through dashboard menus, playing videos, etc, and all this can be done either by hand gestures or voice. Yep, Kinect has a mic...just in case you're too lazy to wave your hands like an idiot. Safe to say, Kinect isn't really that impressive to me, especially since you can't sit down to use it! They say they're fixing it. Riiiiight, like the red ring of death problem? How long did that take hmm? Okay, I said quick run through, so let's move on.

ESPN on Xbox360:
Sports on demand, right on your xbox. It's like and it's completely free (to Gold members). Awesome! Wish they did this before the FIFA World Cup, though.

New Redesigned Xbox360:
Smaller, sleeker, quieter, 250 gigs, and built in wifi. PS3 and Wii owners paid it no mind. Not bad though

Playstation Wii:

Playstation Move:
While Microsoft at least tried to do something new with motion controls, Sony just said 'fuck it' and created a complete Wii rip-off with Playstation Move. With that said, I think this will fair far better than Kinect because not only is it cheaper ($100 with a packaged game), it doesn't seem to pander as much to the casual gamers. It still does. I mean, it's the main reason you would make this product, but when you make game like Socom 4 and possibly Killzone 3 compatible, now we're talking the hardcore language. I'm a bit more impressed with the Move than I thought I'd be, so much so that I'll do a separate post just on it.

Nintendo 3DS
A DS in 3D and doesn't need glasses. That sounds good and all, but it raises one important question. If you were working on this, THEN WHY THE FUCK WOULD YOU MAKE THE DSi AND THE DSi XL?? Are you nuts? That almost average to one new DS release a year.

Here are the games planned for the 3DS:
Kid Icurus
DJ Hero (how will they pull it off?)
Kingdom Hearts
Saints Row (really?)
Resident Evil
Assassin's Creed
Ridge Racer
Metal Gear Solid

Speaking of games, let's go through the list of all the more interesting games.

WWE All-Stars:
Or as I like to call it, WWE Blitz the League, except less suck (name pending).

Call of Duty Black Ops:
I would be excited...if another one wasn't scheduled for 2011. Oversatuation indeed.

Metal Gear Solid Rising:
Now with 99% more cutscenes and a sword.

Gears of War 3:
More Chainsaws. More chest-high walls.

Need For Speed Hot Pursuit:
If this is anything like Hot Pursuit 2 for PS2, this will be my Game of the Year.

Dead Space 2:
The survival horror/snuff film you've been waiting for.

Crysis 2:
The screenshots alone make my PC chug.

NBA Elite 11:
Will they catch up to 2K? Psst* NO!

Play Painkiller, and then you know why I want this.

Star Wars the Old Republic:
The new World of Warcraft. You won't see your friends for 18 months.

Fable 3:
Fart in public all over again.

Medal of Honor:
Has anybody seen my Call of Duty? Oh, there it is.

NBA Jam:
Don't fuck this up EA.

Assassin's Creed Brotherhood:
I did say I wanted multiplayer, just didn't think they would listen.

Shaun White Skateboarding:
I played his snowboarding game. I don't have high hopes for this.

Battle Tag:
Actual Laser Tag, in video game form....and it sucks.

A stress reliever program...that's all I have to say on that one.

Raving Rabbids: Travels in Time:
I like these guys. They remind of my old friends...when they were sober.

Driver: San Fransisco:
The world's hardest driving game series returns to piss me right the fuck off.

Rayman Origins:
Old school 2D side scrolling at its finest...I hope.

Oh god........

Spider-Man Shattered Dimensions:
4 different kinds of Spider-Man equals 4 different kinds of happy.

Marvel vs Capcom 3
Do I really need to say anything?

Twisted Metal:

Sonic Colors:
...and all is wrong again.

Epic Mickey:
Wow, a Mickey Mouse game that's....actually interesting.

.......yea....Grease is getting a game.....

Infamous 2:
More force lightening (inside joke)

Legend of Zelda:
I wonder what I'll unlock first: the hookshot or the boomerang.....

DJ Hero 2:
I better be able to freestyle during songs. Why it wasn't in the first game I don't know.

DC Universe:
A DC comics MMO? There are gonna be A LOT of Batmans.

Mario Sports Mix:
Think of it as a Mario Wii Sports.

Wii Party:
and I guess this is a Wii Mario Party. It's like they switched spots.

Guitar Hero: Warriors of Rock
Dammit, not another guitar hero. We have too many already.

Just Dance 2:

Goldeneye 007:
Yes, Goldeneye is back thanks to...Activision? Where the fuck is Rare?

Kirby's Epic Yarn:
There is no way in hell a grown man can play a game made out of yarn.

LittleBigPlanet 2:
As long as all the content created in the first game can be played here, it's all good.

Metroid Other M:
I need to own a Wii

Donkey Kong Country Returns:
I REALLY need to own a Wii

Dragon Quest 9:
........never heard of it.

God of War Ghost of Sparta:

Fallout New Vegas:
How do you survive in the wasteland? You gamble of course.

Gran Turismo 5
You SURE it's actually coming out this time Sony?

Silent Hill 8:
What the hell happened to 5? Don't tell me those other games count!

Portal 2:
I was gonna make a cake joke, but fuck it.

And that's the big announcements from E3 people. I know I'm missing some key games like Star Wars for Kinect and Project Dust, but there's only so much I can cover without actually being there. So, if there something I missed or you disagree with me completely, drop it in the comments section. If there are no comments, I can only assume what I wrote was awesome.

NOTE: When I started this post, it was 8:15 pm. It's now 12:03 am Friday......FUCK!

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Mystery Mortal Kombat Movie

Try saying that title 3 times fast. Mystery Mortal Kombat Movie. Mystery Mortal Kombee Momie, Mytly Moo moo moo moo moo moo. Yea I can't do it. Anyway, last week Neil sent me a link to probably one of the most kick-ass 8-minute piece of cinema I've ever seen on youtube. Just watch:

This video is approaching 4 million views, and that number is just gonna get even higher (ridiculously so), and yet nobody knows what this video is for. It just shown up out of nowhere. Not even the actors themselves know what it's for. The guy who plays Jax (Jackson Briggs-the black guy for those who don't play Mortal Kombat) thinks its for a game. That would make sense seeing as how this clip was released before E3, the biggest event in video gaming, but many are convinced that its for a movie. So, which one is it? My belief was that this is for the video game since, again, it was released so closed to E3, but then while doing research on upcoming titles that will be on display at E3, I came across this:

Looks completely different doesn't it. Some people still believe it's to hype up the video game, but that doesn't sense. The characters in the video all have detailed backstories - well as detail as 8 minutes will allow - and it barely has any supernatural elements (the only instance being Scorpion's eyes). The game shows everything we know, love, and come to expect from MK (with some new stuff thrown in), while this movie takes all of that and completely fucks with it. So no, it can't be for the game, and if it is, it is fuckin confusing and nonsensical. I don't think Warner Bros. is that dumb. So it looked like it would probably be for the movie, and I was will to call this one mission accomplish, but then I did some more research and found something interesting.

So from what I can gather, this isn't a trailer for the movie; it's to show the people in charge that they can make a movie. It's a power move that they are hoping will pay dividends. I don't think this will work seeing as how Threshold Entertainment is going through hell to prevent it. Maybe I'm misinterpreting this website severely, or maybe the website is completely wrong (like how wikipedia posted WWE's Undertaker's is in a vegetative state when he's actually just taking time off to recover from injury and that's the storyline they went with), but that's the way it looks to me. Either way, this is probably the best shit ever! Okay, I'm being way too dramatic, but whoever wrote this, I have to give him some serious credit. He/she/they did in 8 minutes what couldn't be done in 2 fuckin movies. Based on everything that has transpired, this movie deserves to be made; I don't care that he/she/they butchered the main MK storyline.

If there's one thing I do know, it's that many (and I mean MANY) MK fans are fuckin thrilled that it has nothing to do with the video game.


Wow, it feels like I just got done playing the beta. This game came out pretty quickly afterward. If you didn't read my preview of it, here's how it works: take a go-kart racer, tell the go-karts to go fuck themselves, and get real cars. Yep, it's another Mario Kart, except you feel like a grown man when you play it. This game is fun, and was meant for multiplayer, as all kart racers, but there's one big glaring problem....single player mode.

The driving is a bit more realistic than most racing games, let alone a kart racer clone. Driving a perfect line and knowing how to brake and powerslide is almost as important as shoving powerups up someone's ass for 2 laps. It takes some getting used to, but once you do.....the bitch is still hard, but more fun. You get 8 weapons to choose from:

Shunt - homing missile
Nitro -speed boost
Barge - a shockwave taking out anyone near you
Shield - take a guess
Bolt - 3 energy blasts that'll mess with drivers (like green shells)
Repair - ........
Shock - fires 3 EMP fields in front of the race leader
Mine - acts as a landmine; spins racers out

The thing I like about these weapons is that when you get hit, it doesn't feel like the end of the world. They do just enough damage to give the attacker the advantage needed without being too much of a hindrance to the victim. Take too much damage and you'll wreck, and that'll really set you back. You also can't get too happy with the attacks either. With the exception of nitro and repair, each weapon has defensive properties that'll help prevent you from getting hit. You really have to balance offense and defense with the items AND race a perfect line if you want to win. Another thing I like about item pickups is that they are labeled so you know what you are picking up as oppose to some random drawing decided by the game. Need a shunt? Grab that item box if it shows up. You can hold up to 3 items at once, and you can cycle between them. If you don't want an item or see something better, you can drop the item you're holding. Wherever you drop it though, other racers can pick it up. This can play into strategy a little bit. If you drop a good item, you can place a mine in front of it. Anybody going for that item, will have to avoid your mine. I've done it twice in the beta, but couldn't pull it off in the game; I'm sure it still works, though.

You have to play this game online because online is fuckin nuts! Having 20 people online beating the holy shit out of each other is probably the most fun you'll ever have in a car. You have your standard races, races with only 10 people, races with only high-end cars, etc. Like Call of Duty (of all games), there's a leveling up system that unlocks new cars and perks. Since both games are published by Activition, I guess it make sense to piggyback of each other's ideas. In the beta preview, I joked about it having a prestige mode, and to my surprise, there actually is one. Once you reach level 50, you can enter what is called Legend mode. Your rank is reset and you have to earn everything back. I'll ask you what I ask Call of Duty players all the time: why would you want to? If you buy this game, you're buying this for multiplayer.

The single player pisses me off to no end. It's hard for noooo fuckin reason. Even the very first set of races pissed me off. It's not that I don't like a challenge, but this way, way unfair. Many times you'll have the lead, only to be bombarded by attacks, and they come at the most fucked up times, like maybe right before crossing the mother fuckin finish line. In the later stages, they will always catch up and proceed to fuck with you some more. I'm not talking about 1 or 2 guys that the game let catch up for competition sake. I mean the whole fucking pack, and guess what: they're armed to the fuckin teeth. If you have enough items to stave off 3 attacks, get ready to eat attack number 4, 5, and 6, and if someone has bolt...7, 8, and 9. Now imagine that with 20 fuckin racers. It's one thing on multiplayer: it's every man for themselves and you're not expecting to win every race. On single player, it's every man after YOU and you pretty much NEED to win every race. Like I said earlier, if you buy this game, buy it for the multiplayer because single player aint fuckin worth the frustration. Besides, what you do there doesn't carry over on multiplayer so why bother?

Rating: Sweet

NOTE: I had a great vacation....which by vacation I mean I went to work more often. My vacations suck.