Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Smackdown vs Raw CAF Names
Thing of Beauty
the Creator
Push (simple, yet can be badass)
the Hangover (I think it's already taken, but fuck it)
Violent Protest
Hellraiser (.....meh, not that original)
Five Below (it's like a reverse F-5, except with a chain of stores)
MTD (Makes Things Dead)
Burst Limit (now where in the DBZ have I heard that name before)
Raging Hormones (....................gay)
CCS (Concussion Causing Slam)
the Zadane (yes...it's a headbutt)
Recipe for Success
50/50 or 20/20
American Psycho
........your welcome.
Sunday, October 25, 2009

Anyway, let’s get this out of the way. Yes, WET has that grindhouse style you see from Quinton Taratino films (hopefully I spelled his name right) with the flickering scene like it was being run on the world oldest home camcorder, and yes it looks cool as hell. I just wanted to get that out of the way because millions upon billions of reviewers have been spinning that line for weeks now. Despite the….film style (?), it doesn’t distract one bit from what this game really is: Midway’s Stranglehold with a few moves swapped out. It’s hard not to make a comparison between the two games. Both have outlandish shootouts that I wouldn’t recommend you try until you have a grudge against certain things like living or keeping all of your blood. Both have insane stunts that nobody can physical do EVER and would only try if he/she gets off on breaking bones. For the final piece of rĂ©sistance (is that how they say it?), both games make you play in slooooow mooooootion as you dive repeatedly to avoid death long enough to die in the next area and have the game over screen mock you. The only difference is that Stranglehold was actually good, while WET wishes it could keep up.

Although there is a story somewhere, the game just says fuck it all, gives you guns, gives you a sword, and then goes sits in the corner out of the fucking way while you proceed to stylishly murder dude after dude, interrupting only to load, ask you if you want to upgrade, or do a fan-fuckin-tastic quick time event. Yes, QTEs make yet another appearance, and yes, they show up at random with no warning as to when shit might pop off. As for the main character, Rubi, what can I say? Well, she a bitch, an alcoholic, a sociopath, a shitty dresser, stubborn, your sister on the rag, and an all around unlikable person. It’s as if the developers wanted to make her as inhuman as possible, and I have to say “mission fuckin accomplished” Enjoy your medal.
If you take a good look at the graphics, you will notice they’re not that good. They’re not bad, but not good. So why does the game have to load for so damn long? They try to hide it with stupid ass elevator scenes with Rubi just standing there bored out of her fuckin mind just like I was. Remember the elevators from Mass Effect (if you played it)? LONGER!

Rating: Meh
NOTE: Seriously, Rubi is such an unlikable bitch.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Halo 3: ODST

If I had to describe this game in 2 words, it would be this: It's Halo. There; I just described the entire experience for you.
Rating: Sweet
See ya next week.
All right; all right. If you didn't get enough bang bang goodness from Halo 3, you can now pick up this little gem if you didn't already. In fact, why am I reviewing this? Who doesn't own this game by now? You weren't waiting for me, were you? AW, that's sweet (in a gay sort of way). With that said, there are some additions that make things more enjoyable, but I just don't feel like it's THE game to get, despite others saying otherwise.

Despite my snarky comments (haha...snarky), playing with normal slightly above average humans with great thresholds for pain and super strength does change the way you play. Instead of gun blazing and running head first into the enemy for one or two smacks to the head, you spend a lot of time ducking and dodging to stay alive, at least on heroic difficulty because any lower on the settings will make you look like a pussy. You don't have the usual kind of health either. You have a shield like Chief, but it's nowhere near as strong. Once the shield is down, bullets start chipping away at your health. Although the shield regenerates, your health doesn't, so you have to find med packs. If you played the first Halo, you have the general idea. Once you get used to this, then you may commence with the pistol whipping. Sometimes, it's better to just sneak around the enemy and avoid fighting altogether. Stealth in a Halo game...the devil must be wearing a winter coat by now. I'm saying that hell has froze...you get the joke. Other than that, it's pretty much Halo, for better or worse.

Sunday, October 4, 2009
Batman: Arkham Asylum
I don't think many people thought this game would be decent, let alone be one of the best games of the year. Batman and video games never really seemed to get along in the past. There have been of couple of good ones in the SNES days, but for the most part, Batman games suck donkey balls. In fact, with the exception of MK vs DC, DC has no good games to its name except the aforementioned SNES Batman. Going into this, it's totally understandable to think this is a waste of time, but then you play it, and you're silenced by its awesomeness. It's been a long ass time since a game has made my jaw drop (Grand Theft Auto 3 I think), but Batman has so many kick-ass moments that about half way in, my jaw was on the floor for the rest of the game (it broke off...call a doctor). Even if you know very little about the bat, you still feel like this game does him justice, which is more than what I can say about Jason Bourne and his game. Dude, imagine Batman and Bourne working together. That would be sweet.

There are 3 elements to Arkham Asylum: combat, exploration, and stealth, and each is done very well. Normally, no one really gives a shit about exploration, but here, exploring has its own rewards. The riddler has left trophies and...well riddles...all over Arkham, and finding them unlock challenge rooms. The combat is probably the most satisfying part of the game, as it should be. If kicking ass ain't fun, then what's the point (like oneechingchang...still doing oneechanbara jokes apparently)? The controls are simple enough: X to attack, Y to counter, B to stun, and A to dodge. You think with only one attack button, you can just button mash, but noooooo mister video game man; it's not that simple. You need to balance all of the four buttons (when called for) and time everything right, or else you'll know first hand what a human fist taste like. There's this one glitch in the combat that may be the best glitch ever. One of Batman's move is him jumping on a downed opponent sternum and punching him in the face for the knockout. Sometimes though, he lands on their face and punches them in the dick. I'm pretty sure that wasn't done on purpose, but I'm glad it wasn't fixed. The punch in the dick always results in a knockout, too. Makes sense. The stealth element surprised the hell out of me in the fact that I liked it. My friends know I hate stealth, but I had fun picking people off one by one without being seen. The fact that Batman can hide in the rafters (and the enemies never fuckin look up) makes stealth easy, and him assortment of moves and gadgets are cool to use. The best part is that stealth isn't the main part of the game. It's regulated to certain parts of the game where goons bust out the guns. It doesn't happen as often as you think.

Rating: Fuckin Awesome
NOTE: ..........I'm Batman!