Who doesn't want to climb into a ten ton supercharged machine and tear ass on 4 four and sometimes 2 wheels? Nobody, and that's why racing games are awesome! This list celebrates the best of the best.
10. Ridge Racer - PSX
When my friend bought her Playstation, it came with a demo of Ridge Racer. It was one car, one track, and we played for hours. One car! One track! So you can imagine the amount of time we lost we she got the full version. Why were we so addicted? Never had we played a racing game before where the cars drift...THEY DRIFT!
9. DiRT - PS3, PC, and 360
This game did something I never thought was possible: it made me care a rally car racing. It had great tracks, super tight and responsive controls, and an incredible sense of speed. This is one of the few games where doing a time trial was actually fun.
8. San Fransisco Rush - Arcades
As much as I like Rush 2 and Rush 2049, the original holds a special place in my heart. There have been many 3D racers, but this was the first one where you could crash and burn.....as in your car would explode! Burning rubber takes the literal meaning in this bitch. Add crazy shortcuts and you got yourself one kickass arcade racer.
7. Midnight Club 3 Dub Edition Remix - PS2 and Xbox
Remember when The Fast and the Furious came out and street racing became the most popular thing ever? This game represented all that was FUN about it. Midnight Night has always been know for it open world style and create your own route gameplay, but number 3 added real license car that were fully customizable. The Greatest/Platinum hits version called Remix makes the list for adding new cars and the city of Tokyo for MC2.
6. F-Zero -SNES
Besides the colorful graphics, blazing speeds, a cool soundtrack, and great original gameplay, F-Zero can be some up in one simple statement...........this bitch is hard.
5. Burnout Revenge - Xbox 360
Burnout Paradise is fun, but I'm not really feeling the open world Midnight Club style gameplay. Burnout is best played on tracks with laps and lots of shit in your way that can cause a catastrophic amount of damage. Actually, Burnout Paradise can do that too. So what makes Revenge special? Crash mode!
4. Gran Turismo 4 - PS2
Yes fanboys, it's only number 4. Suck it. With that said Gran Turismo is the reason we have racing sims at all, and the 4th installment is the best of them all with what was at the time the most realistic car controls ever and graphics that looked better than anything on the PS2. Seriously, put GT4 in HD (like they did God of War) and you will see it holds up to many PS3 games.
3. Mario Kart 64 - N64
One of the only 2 racing games on the list that doesn't actually use cars, Mario Kart is addictive as all hell. Yes, the racing was faster on Double Dash and Wii, but what puts 64 on the list is its battle mode. No Mario Kart has had a battle mode as fun as the 64 game. Why I don't know, and it's a damn shame.
2. Forza Motorsport 3 - 360
Making the GT fans even angrier, its Forza at number 3. This game has the best career mode of any racing sim out there and has a level of customizable paint job never seen before. The most important aspect is that it's extreme assessable to newbies with all its assists. Take the assists off, and we're looking at Forza 2 difficulty, sliding all over the place...pisses me off....
Gran Turismo, Forza, and Mario Kart not making number 1? Really? Not even Burnout or Midnight Club? What in God's name can be number 1 then? Some of you may already have an idea where I'm going with this since I left out probably the most popular racing series in video games, but the game I have at number one will have everyone wondering what the hell is wrong with me. At the same time, it'll have everyone who played it smiling as they all have fond memories of it.
1. Need For Speed: Hot Pursuit 2 - PS2
This...game...is...the awesome! Your goal was finishing the race in first place while the police were trying to bust your ass, and the police were actually good at their job. We're talking rockblocks, spike strips, and fuckin helicopters dropping exploding barrels from the sky. This game was absolutely fuckin nuts. It's not like other Need For Speed games that feature cops. It's not an open world. You don't have to lose the cops once the race is over. Hell, sometimes the race isn't even over when the cops manage to pull you over. They give you a ticket and send you on your way. This formula is much better than any of the new shit they did (cough cough Most Wanted cough) and even though it's open world, let's hope the new Hot Pursuit can replicate what made number 2 fun. Also keep in mind I'm talking about the PS2 version, not the Xbox and Gamecube version which plays differently for some reason.
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