Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Street Fighter 3: 3rd Strike (RETRO)

Everybody knows Street Fighter, but bring up the words "third strike' and it will over ring a bell to a select few. 3rd Strike is the third and final game in the Street Fighter 3 series, and is hailed by many fight fans as the greatest SF game ever made. Yes, even better than SF4 or Super SF4. I myself disagree because I believe beyond a shadow of a doubt that the greatest SF game ever is......Mortal Kombat Trilogy. Stupidly wrong game series aside, I would like to thank 3rd Strike for making me look for another Dreamcast controller after breaking mine old one out of frustration. In other words, this bitch is hard. Even on the lowest difficulty setting, I got my ass handed to me repeatedly. This game demands that only the best play. Now, I'm not great (or...good), but I'm no newbie either, so with a game kicking my ass on the easiest level, needless to say my ego took a hit. But you know what, maybe if they didn't replace almost the entire roster, I would have stood a better chance. Only Ken, Ryu, Chun-li, and Akuma made the cut. The rest were all new fighters. Besides being on 2 consoles that nobody cared about (Xbox didn't really gain popularity till 2003), the fact that nobody knew who the fighters were prevented 3rd Strike from selling among the casual fight fan. When it came out, I don't remember anybody really talking about it. It just didn't seem like Street Fighter anymore. Real fans weren't swayed though. They knew they had a badass game in their hands and they spent hours practicing with new people because they enjoyed the challenge of learning how to play all over again. Today, Street Fighter 4 brought 2D fighters back from the grave almost, and casual fight fans are loving every moment of it. Hardcore fans however, despite loving SF4, will always pop in 3rd Strike repeatedly kick each other asses or get their asses handed to them by Gill. Yea...Gill.....meh; it's better than Seth. Street Fighter 3: 3rd Strike: we salute you.

NOTE: Hell, I don't know if anything I said was true, but it sounded awesome right?

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