Thursday, March 18, 2010

Changes Being Made

I know March has been.....very quiet, but there's a lot to be done before I start posting in earnest again. First the BIG news. Like many games in the industry now, this blog will no longer be an Xbox exclusive. For now on, I'm just gonna talk about games in generals whether that be PS3, 360, PSP, DS, and (when I get the money to buy it back) the Wii. I'm also in the process of getting the Sega Dreamcast again because dammit that system was awesome! So, there will be a name change to the blog or I'll just outright create a new one. The name however has not being decided yet. Some posts may be deleted to fit the changes if I decide to just change this one, so just in case you love this blog so much, I made a copy called If any new work I do relates to the 360, I'll post it there.

Secondly, I'm in the mist of playing and reviewing 3 games: Heavy Rain, MLB 10 the Show, and Bad Company 2 with more games planned. Here's the list of games I have planned:

Motor Storm Pacific Rift (PS3)
God of War Collection (including 3)
Perfect Dark (XBL version)
MLB 2K10
LittleBIGPlanet (PS3)
50 Cent: Blood in the Sand (PS3, 360)
Marvel vs Capcom 2 (yea...still)
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure (PS1 if I can find it)
Castlevania: The Dracula X Chronicles (PSP)
Sonic Rivals (PSP)
GTA Chinatown Wars (PSP)
Sonic Shuffle (Dreamcast)
Forza 3 (360)

Of course, some of these won't get done. In fact, most of these might not get done. And these are just the games IN MY POSSESSION at the moment (except JoJo's Bizarre Adventure). That doesn't including future releases coming soon like Splinter Cell or Just Cause 2. No, I am not planning to do a review for Final Fantasy 13 nor Pokemon SoulSilver and HeartGold. I don't like JRPG, and even if I get it, I'll have no time to finish it. I'm still not even halfway through with Dragon Age. As for Pokemon.....I'm a grown ass man. I refuse to get involve with that shit. No, I don't wanna hear how it's okay for a man to play Pokemon because I don't care. Besides, Pokemon is a JRPG.

Yup, a lot of shit needs to happen, so I better get to it. By the way, yes I heard about Sonic the Hedgehog 4. Yes, I have an opinion on it.  What a fitting topic to end The Average Man's Xbox blog....well, not really, but hey.

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